Source: Office of Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis
Date Published: May 17, 2022
Today, leaders from throughout Florida applauded Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jimmy Patronis on his recently announced anti-fraud legislative proposals, which are aimed at cracking down on fraud, fighting premium increases, and helping lawmakers as they craft legislation for the upcoming special session. This is what they’re saying…
Personal Insurance Federation of Florida (PIFF) President Michael Carlson said, “Fraud occurs every day and criminals are constantly looking for new ways to steal consumers’ hard-earned money. Right now, consumers are paying a record high in insurance premiums, and we must end it. Thanks to CFO Patronis and his fraud fighting proposal, we are on the right track.”
Florida Insurance Consumer Advocate Tasha Carter said, “Insurance fraud in any form is a threat to market stability and impacts each and every Floridian. Insurance companies pass on the cost of fraud to consumers, which is evident in the multiple double-digit rate increases we’ve seen in Florida. To curb insurance fraud, we need targeted legislative measures that directly address the root cause and bad actors involved. The anti-fraud initiatives put forth by CFO Patronis are just that and I am in full support. Florida’s insurance consumers will ultimately benefit from these meaningful changes.”
Citizens Property Insurance Corporation President, CEO and Executive Director Barry Gilway said, “Consumer protection is critical to a healthy market and we must work together to combat fraud and abuse that raises rates for all policyholders. I want to thank CFO Patronis for these anti-fraud proposals and his commitment to work with the Legislature and the Governor’s Office to address this critical issue during the upcoming special session.”
National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) President David Glawe said, “It takes an army to fight fraud and protect consumers. That’s why we are thankful to CFO Patronis for leading the charge against fraud in Florida. These proposals would go a long way in protecting policyholders and putting bad actors behind bars, where they belong.”
Florida Association of Insurance Reform (FAIR) President Paul Handerhan said, “Insurance fraud is a plague on our state that drives up insurance rates for Floridians. The CFO’s proposal to set up three new insurance fraud fighting squads in Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale and Miami, is well needed and a good investment. If we can crack down on these criminals, we will have a very good chance at fighting property insurance fraud throughout Florida.”
National Federation of Independent Business Executive Director of Florida, Bill Herrle said, “Insurance fraud hurts everyone, including our small businesses and job creators. Thank you to the CFO for proposing your anti-fraud initiatives and for your steadfast commitment to fighting fraud in Florida.”
Florida Realtors® President Christina Pappas, said, “Homeowners are paying a record high in insurance premiums and we’ve got to put an end to it. This is due to frivolous litigation. The CFO understands the importance of curbing this litigation and fighting fraud to give all Floridians the ability to work towards affordable homeownership and the American Dream. Thanks to CFO Patronis, we are well on our way.”
Florida Homebuilders Association CEO Rusty Payton said, “We are thankful to CFO Patronis for doing everything he can to combat insurance fraud in Florida, which protects the housing industry and homeowners statewide.”
Florida Insurance Council (FIC) President Cecil Pearce said, “The CFO has made a commitment to go after bad actors who are committing insurance fraud in our state. The criminals who commit this type of fraud must be held accountable, and the CFO is on a mission to ensure that happens.”
Coalition Against Insurance Fraud Executive Director Matthew Smith said, “Our top priority is stopping insurance fraud in its tracks. Thank you to CFO Patronis for stepping up for policyholders and working together to combat fraud. Everyday, fraudsters get more creative in their attempts to defraud consumers and we must stay one step ahead of them to protect all Floridians.”
Florida Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Mark Wilson said, “Fraud and the resulting frivolous litigation are costing Florida consumers when they can least afford it in the face of record inflation from Washington. The upcoming special session on property insurance called by Governor DeSantis is an opportunity for the Legislature to address these cost-drivers once and for all. A huge thank you to CFO Patronis for standing with Governor DeSantis to go to bat for Florida consumers and for committing to addressing fraudulent claims in Florida’s insurance market. With Florida accounting for 79% of the nation’s homeowners insurance lawsuits over claims filed while making up only 9% of the nation’s homeowners insurance claims, too many of these lawsuits are driven by fraud and a few bad actors’ greed.”